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(716) 631-0405


Same day appointments may not be accommodated – We request all appointments are scheduled 3 days ahead for best scheduling purposes.

Need an Appointment at Our Basil Service Center?

Are you in search of a Sheridan auto service center that you can depend on for routine maintenance and major repairs? Basil Resale Sheridan has you covered. Our expert technicians have the experience and the know-how to get your vehicle performing at its best and back on the roads of Amherst. We make it easy to set up an appointment at our Basil service center right from the comfort of your home. Simply fill out our online form to make an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Specialized Attention for Your Vehicle

No matter if your vehicle is in need of an oil change near Clarence or it has been involved in a more serious collision in Buffalo, we can assist you. Our service center is more than capable of handling anything from tire rotations to replacing the transmission. If you are the DIY type, our parts department has everything you need for your next project.
What if your vehicle has serious damage after a crash? We also have a collision center that can fix structural issues as well as cosmetic ones. We’ll have your vehicle looking like new in no time.

Explore Our Service Specials

Before making an appointment at our Sheridan auto service center, don’t forget to check out our service specials. These rotating coupons help you save on the maintenance your vehicle needs in Williamsville.

Contact Basil Resale Sheridan for More Information

Visit our Basil service center today if your car, truck, or SUV is in need of a little TLC. Contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to assisting you. In the meantime, why not check out our helpful service tips and tricks?